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Weeks have passed and everyone may not have noticed but this world of ours became a better place about two weeks ago from last Saturday. On that fateful day, Grandpa did what all humans should strive to do, he rid this world of one more opossum. It was a battle of epic proportions and involved a little trickery, but Grandpa was up to the task and for this he deserves to be commended. So from the bottom of my heart and from all of my fellow opossum haters out there, thank you Grandpa for a job well done.
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Well, readers based on the lack of responses I received from my last novel, I take it either you are still reading edition #3 or have lost interest completely (I am guessing the former). Just when you thought you had a breather, Monday rolls around and BAM! I’m throwing edition #4 in your face. If your interest happens to be weaning, this week I will bring to your desktop tales of lost will power and overindulgence in all things delicious and most definitely un-nutritious. To allow for a small break from my witty words I will try to shorten the length of my weekly diatribe. That being said, let’s get things started.
I had a rash of clever things to say about my weight having gone down this week, but unfortunately I had to play the week out and things didn’t turn out like I was hoping. As a reminder last week I weighed in at a minuscule 232.6 lbs (I know, I know, I promised to send the spreadsheet out last week on Tuesday but of course did not do so and karma has struck me back). As a result of not following through with my loyal readers (although the numbers may be dissipating) my weight ballooned to a husky 233 lbs (wow, that gasp was audible from here). As a result of my transgressions of our pact and a vow that I made in Week 2, I now have to spend a week without ingesting any carbonated beverages (wow, another audible gasp). There is no need to feel bad for me though as I am sure I will survive and if I don’t, isn’t death the quickest way to shed some pounds anyway? I wish there was some reason that I could give for the weight gain but alas all the blame falls on my shoulders. I had a collapse of epic proportions as I succumbed to the candy and cookies that somebody unknowingly was testing me with. Unfortunately, much like most of the tests I took my Senior and Super-Senior year of college, this was a test that I failed miserably. On a positive note, I was able to hold off on the candy and cookies for a period of 24 hours. If you were to place blame on somebody, it should be on my coworkers for not stepping up to the task at hand by eating 3 bags of candy, 2 boxes of cookies and 2 coffee cakes in the span of 24 hours. Who knows, if they would have helped my cause by eliminating all temptations I might have entered into the land of the 220’s this week. Every cloud has a silver lining though and I made it through one of the major overindulging holidays and have a 3 week break before entering the next one. This allows me the opportunity to trim that waistline of mine even further (come on size 36 pants!) before entering the Thanksgiving holiday and all the opportunities that it brings to widen my waistline (stay away size 42 pants!). Just to spice things up a little bit I will make another vow to you all. During the week of November 1- November 7, Mr. Lemonhead will put in 30 miles of pavement pounding (please hold your applause until that fantastic feat is accomplished). With that promise out there, let’s get to my weekly critiquing.
Exercise – B -
Things weren’t all that bad this week as I was able to run 4 days this week and put in 22.97 miles. Laziness once again was a factor as one morning I basically laid on the couch awake for an hour after my normal 5:45 wake up call rather than going out for my run. I ran 6 on Monday, 6 on Friday, 3 on Saturday and almost 9 on Sunday. The most impressive event was the waking up at 6 (a.m. not p.m., this isn’t Jamie we are talking about here) for a 3 mile run before heading to the tailgating festivities for the Fighting Illini vs. Boilermakers football game. I did have a little scare on my Sunday run as some dog in the country must have thought that I was a running chew toy as he made a quick dash for me. Thank goodness that I am a tough mean guy and that dog knew who he was messing with (was it bad that I was hoping for a car to zip by and take care of my unwanted long-run guest?) for that dog backed away once I barked back at him. Okay, so maybe I picked up the pace a little bit to save my legs from being eaten by a boxer. The dog was probably harmless but every dog that you encounter out on the road by yourself seems like a raging pit bull. All in all, I am pleased with the progress that I am making and am still on track for my goal of 1,000 miles in 2010. I know if it weren't for these diaries I would be waking up for about 2 minutes and deciding that it was either: A. Too cold B. Too windy C. Too rainy D. Too dark or E. Too early. My runs are getting to the point where they are not so laborious and the miles are quickening. Things aren't all that bad for Mr. Lemonhead.
Eating - F
So if I were to grade Monday through Wednesday (also taking out the 4 Sloppy Joe's eaten on Monday night) I may have given myself a B or B+ even, but unfortunately a week isn't made up of three days. It all started going downhill on Wednesday when I decided that a fountain soda normally contains 32 oz, so at Chili's I could have a refill of my 16 or so ounce glass once. When you throw in an all you can eat chips and salsa, how is any person supposed to contain themselves? My struggle with how to define a fountain (remember my limit of two) will continue throughout the 12 week period (I will most likely err on the side of what works best for me). On Thursday at noon it marked the end of the 24 hour cease-eating and the gloves came off and in about a 10 minute period I had managed to eat 2 cookies, 2 kit kats, 2 Reese's Fast Breaks and two packages of M&M's. The feel good story of the day was when I went to Huck's to enjoy the second of my two fountain soda allowance with my 52 oz mug in hand but at the eleventh hour showed my intestinal fortitude to put the mug down and go with my 32 oz "standard" fountain soda (I'm no hero, I put on my pants one leg at a time just like all of you). On Friday somebody had the audacity to bring in an egg, cheese, sausage, and hash brown casserole along with little biscuits like those at Red Lobster and brownies. My awesome eating continued its roll (no pun intended) with the consumption of 2 pieces of the casserole, 3 biscuits, and 4 brownies throughout the course of a day. Most mortals may limit themselves to that, but not this guy, who then decided that Taco Bell sounded tasty and went and got myself 3 supreme soft shell tacos. And of course, no different than the previous 3 entries, Friday night is Papa Murphy's night and I indulged with 4 pieces of pizza and 4 pieces of dessert pizza. Saturday of course was a football Saturday which consisted of a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and egg McMuffin from McDonald's and a double slice of Domino's pizza at halftime. I then proceeded to go home and have two pieces of Papa Murphy's leftovers along with trying every piece of candy in Larson Manor that I had resisted for the past 2 weeks. Then we had a halloween party on Saturday night (I was a mustachioed referee) and I struggled to eat everything I could with my whiskers joining every bite. Thankfully Sunday allowed myself a reprieve from all the harm that I had done to my body the previous 3 days. I guess to sum up my week of eating would best be described with one of Newton's Laws. An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. Over that 3 day period my friends, I was that object in motion and there were no outside forces acting up it. Let's just hope that that object will stay at rest before being put into motion for the Holiday season.
Overall - D
If I were to continue on that path that I went down over that three day period I don't think I would be allowed on the Bethel's boat next summer because here would be the result: http://blogs.nyu.edu/blogs/jtb292/farts/wm-ss-fat-guy.jpg Thankfully I was able to overcome that episode and get back on track. It is pretty tough to lose any sort of weight when you put your body through that, so I can't be too generous with my overall grade this week. The best news is that all bad things must come to an end and I can wash my hands clean of last week and put together a solid week this week while putting together both 7 days of healthy eating and 30 miles of exercise. Yes, my loyal readers, better things are yet to come and you get to experience them with me.
I promised to keep this entry short, but unfortunately when you put all the garbage into my mouth that I did this week it is tough to accomplish such a task. Oh well, maybe next week.
As always thanks for reading and feel free to share any comments or suggestions as I continue my quest towards a physically fit physique.
Mr. Lemonhead