This week I was told somebody in the family who shall remain anonymous (his name might rhyme with Laid Coudermilk) that the Mr. Lemonhead diaries were purely for show and the laughter and smiles that it may bring to those who are able to spend the 3 hours to read each entry. Well I guess you could consider me guilty as charged on all accounts. But what Craig (oops...his name was revealed but we all know Craig doesn't read and wouldn't have been able to get this far anyways) doesn't realize is that without this forum to reveal my eating for the week and the exercise log things would be much worse than what you see. So while yes, I do enjoy the opportunity to be funny, this is also an opportunity for you to help make me accountable for everything that I stuff into my mouth and after this week's results you will see that it is working (how about that for a segway). For those that can recall that far back you will recall that last week I weighed in at a barely-there 231.2 lbs. After some hard work out on the pavement this week and controlling the intake of large amounts of calories I weighed in this week (sans clothes) at a boney 227.6. I know I will have the opportunity to see you all this week so for those that I haven't seen me recently I will most likely have to re-introduce myself because you won't even recognize me after I have reshaped my body. Now that the cat is out of the bag let's take a look at how Mr. Lemonhead was able to pull off such a feat.
Exercise - A
As I mentioned earlier, this week I was able to get out of bed and put my left foot in front of my right for 30.11 miles. I went on four runs of 7.50 miles or slightly more on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The runs are starting to get easier although I need to take back all the good things I said in a previous entry about the end of Daylight Savings Time and the mornings getting brighter earlier because that excitement lasted for about 1 week and now we are back to it starting to get light at about 6:40. I was also able to participate in a little basketball open gym on Sunday for about an hour which allowed for a little exercise after the previous 36 hours being spent on the road and in Chicago. Back to back weeks of "A's" for exercise and I am starting to get my confidence up a little bit.
Eating - B
I am not giving myself a "B" for the fact that I was able to resist all things delicious but I am giving myself this evaluation because for the first time since I have been penning these diaries it seems as if my will power (or your voices in my head) is starting to kick in and I am not going crazy on the things that I most enjoy. Some of the lowlights of my week consisted of eating too much Taco Pizza from Pizza Ranch on Wednesday night and having a pork tenderloin and cheese curds followed by a small Reese's Pieces and cookie dough concrete from Culver's. Some of the highlights were actually ordering a single cheese burger rather than a double cheeseburger at Portillo's (remember it's the small victories) on Sunday night and eating beef stew during the week. Beef stew was definitely not a highlight for the fact that I was able to eat it but it was a highlight due to the fact that by eating it I totally eliminated any hunger I had at all due to the fact that I was sick to my stomach from eating such a cuisine.
Overall - B+
After significant strides being made the past two weeks in the above categories and a 3+ pound loss for the past week I can't help but give myself a B+ for the week. The key now must be to maintain this positive momentum (remember one of Newtons' laws regarding an object in motion!) through Thanksgiving and into the dreaded weight month of December. One thing is for sure though, we have this caboose moving in the right direction and it is thanks to you fine readers that I am able to do so.
With all of this said, the week of Thanksgiving brings the Collins family to God's country and with that comes Jennifer Mae and her unhealthy obsession with fountain sodas. I don't want to be the one to miss out on all of the fun so for this week and this week only (until Christmas) I am going to lift the 2 fountain soda restraining order and live a little. So I guess for next week you will be able to see which is more important to the hard-to-achieve weight loss, healthy eating or exercise.
I believe I was somewhat able to limit my thoughts for this week and provide you with a holiday gift of my own. As always, thank you for reading and please feel free to provide any comments or suggestions as you follow my expedition towards the land of the 210's.
Mr. Lemonhead
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