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Monday, January 10, 2011

I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Easy

Programming Note: If you haven’t done so already, either due to the lack of interest in what is happening in the life of Mr. Lemonhead or due to the fact that you are infected with the same laziness as me, would you please take the time to join my blog as a follower? I am not really sure what that will do for you besides make me feel like I have a captive audience (for a short period of time). Who knows, by joining you may provide that extra incentive for me to put down that tasty treat that I would otherwise be ingesting if it weren’t for your loyalty to the cause. I need all I can get for we all know that up to this point I haven’t been able to do it myself. I want to give a shout out to the four loyal followers of the life and times of Mr. Lemonhead in Beth Harbaugh-Wittenbach (the unofficial 5th child of the Larson clan), Micah, Mom, and the Mrs. Lemonhead (or Jamie as you may know her). I am not exactly sure how you become a follower but if Micah can do it I’m sure it can’t be that hard. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let’s move on to the show.

Here we are already, into Week 2 of a brand new start to 2011 and the beginning of great things to come for Mr. Lemonhead. Through this past week I have been able to determine one certain thing: eating healthy and exercising sure is no fun. If broccoli tasted like Snickers Ice Cream Bars then I can tell you with 100% certainty that I would be tipping the scales at sub-200 and you wouldn’t be reading this message right now. If exercising were as much fun as watching an episode of Bones then I would have run a Boston Qualifier already (sub 3:10 marathon) and I would competing with the runners in the regular divisions rather than throwing my weight around (literally) in the Clydesdale Division (for those that don’t know it is a division they made up so us fat ones have some incentive to run hard). But my good friends, we have to deal with the hand we have been dealt and mine is a hunger that never seems to be quenched and a body that prefers stillness rather than movement. Thankfully with the will power that you provided me with your reading of my entry last week I was able to slay those two nasty beasts on my way to a decent Week 1.

As witnessed first hand by those horrific pictures of me with my shirt off last week (I don’t think I can apologize enough) I weighed a blimping (maybe I made the noun blimp a adjective, maybe not) 242.0 lbs (in the buff). While I would love not to have to refer to my weight with an adjective such as voluminous, I have no choice as this week I weighed in at a voluminous 238.4 lbs, for a net loss of 3.6 lbs. Yes, loyal readers, we did it. Admittedly, with the week that I had I anticipated a larger loss than the one experienced, but muscle weighs more than fat right?!?!?! But what events could lead to me being 98.5% of the man I was last week?

Exercise - B
This week I was able to get my spandex wearing body (only temporary thankfully until my loose fitting clothes fit like they did 4 months ago) out on the road 5 out of the 7 days for a grand total of 21.44 miles. I may be exceeding the rule of thumb that one week’s mileage shouldn’t exceed the previous week’s by 10%, but for you math people out there what is 10% of 0 (get my point?). Unfortunately, this was the rule of thumb that I was following from December 5 until January 1. No longer will I adhere to the rules placed before me (except for the tapering one of course) and I will test the outer limits of my body (21.44 miles was about it) even if it means I end up looking like this. I am not a meteorologist, nor did I play one of tv, so I wish that someone could explain to me why winters have to be so windy. Now when I get up in the morning for my daily debate on whether to hit the road or not I have to factor in 1) How comfortable the couch would be, 2) What the temperature outside is, 3) What route that I am going to take for my run, and now 4) How big of a wind am I going to be running into. Regardless which direction I am running in, the wind is always at my face making my eyes water from the blistering cold. This week I had to participate in some night runs as those questions above were to overwhelming to get me outside. Why can’t we mix the summer with the 98% humidity and absolutely no air movement at all with the winter and its 1097 mph winds to create a happy medium? I really don’t think that is too much to ask. I graded myself out as a B this week not only due to the fact that I met 1/52 of my 2011 goal of 20 miles a week, but I also accompanied those runs with 1 push up for every mile and 5 sit ups for every mile ran. If I can continue this up for 52 weeks then the weight will just start melting off (positive self talk).

Eating - A-
When you are coming off the past ChrisGiving holiday season that I did it is pretty hard not to give myself an A for the week. Even a 25% reduction in my daily consumption of food would result in the cutting out of 1,500 calories. Thankfully I was able to get the train back on the tracks and show a little self control. I was able to avoid the food at work except for one day where I enjoyed a few mixed nuts along with some chocolate covered raisins. Even on Friday I limited myself to one Asiago cheese bagel for breakfast. As you can imagine without my typical consumption there were leftover bagels that went to waste. I only ate out one day when I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. I was successful in limiting my portions for dinner (so I think, I guess the Mrs. could tell you the truth) and I think the insatiated hunger (so it seems) was able to be satiated with fewer foods. On Friday I enjoyed Rizzi’s Stromboli with a Caesar Salad and a small Butterfinger/Snickers Blizzard prior to enjoying the Blue Man Group. Moderation is key and even in enjoying the delectable treats listed above I was able to do so in moderation (God does work miracles!).

Overall - B+
As stated in my last entry, I am taking Robert Frost’s road less traveled, and after one week I now realize why there hasn’t been much traffic. Thankfully the work that I put into it resulted in a loss for the week and it has my confidence growing (unlike my waistband during the previous 5 weeks). It was a good week but I know that I can do much better. I don’t want to eliminate eating unhealthy crappy foods for when I get below my goal I will indulge myself in all things unhealthy that I had deprived myself during that time and the resulting damage to my body won't be pretty. For a week, at least, things are moving in a positive direction.
While progress has been made in the past 7 days there is a lot of work yet to be done. I am still 38.4 big lbs away from my goal. This is going to be quite the adventure that you are going to get to enjoy and I am the one paying the price of admission.
As always, thanks for reading (or skimming/skipping/ignoring) and please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions (even below the posting) as I continue the battle with obesity.
Mr. Lemonhead
Programming Note Part II: I am relatively new to the blogosphere and am not quite sure of how everything works completely. My hope is to be able to post my spreadsheet with the status of my weight loss and everything else that I deem important. Ideally I would also be able to post any new entries and have you alerted to that fact (even though you would have to resist the urge to ignore them) that there is new material from my brain to your computer screen. I think this information medium is best but please hang with me while I iron out all the kinks. Thanks for understanding.

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