Programming Note #1: The old format of my diary entries used to be a email that I would compose and send to each one of your inboxes upon completion. With the use of the internet and my blog all of my entries are written on http://diariesofmrlemonhead.blogspot.com and an email with each post is then sent to your email inbox. To make sure that you are able to enjoy all the features of this fine blog I recommend that you read the entry on this website. Among these features are pictures of my progress along with other pictures of importance and major moments in my life such as Mt. Larson which has been reduced to nothing due to Global Warming (mission accomplished as I was the last one on the block of North Ohio to enjoy snow).
Programming Note #2: I try to attach a link to a picture from the world wide web with each entry (that is more certain than my weekly entries I can promise you that). The link to the previously mentioned pictures should appear in blue font and underlined. The pictures will hopefully provide some humor and a little relief from the horrors that are my eating habits.
A lot has changed in my life since the last time we had the opportunity to speak. I'll give you a quick run down.
1. Effective 3 weeks ago I received a promotion at work to the title of Corporate Banking Officer. With that promotion I now have my own clients and have the task of building my own portfolio. I know what you must be thinking, I thought PNC was smarter than that? Well you stay in one place long enough and they have to do something with you. I'm too nice and too much fun to laugh at for them to fire me so the next logical option was a promotion. National City first made the mistake of hiring me and now PNC has made the mistake of promoting me. With this new job comes more responsibilities (in the words of the infinite wisdom of Biggie Smalls "mo' money mo' problems") and less time to pen these entries. I have been fairly busy over the past couple weeks which has meant that The Diaries have had to suffer. But don't worry folks, this doesn't mean that I am putting you behind my work because I enjoying composing these entries very much but rather I will have to make some time to let you know what is going on in the life of Mr. Lemonhead while at Larson Manor.
2. Over the past 3 months or so I have dived into the world of Bones. Through determination and a lot of laying on the couch I have managed to cover approximately 120 43-minute episodes in these past 3 months. Not since college had a put so much blood, sweat and tears into a tv show. It was amazing the grip the show had over my life and time as I followed the work of Dr. Temperance Brennan (affectionately known as "Bones") and Agent Seeley Booth. A nice Saturday or Sunday morning run was put to the side in favor of one more episode and one more step to what some may consider my "mission impossible". But as of last week those chains have been broken and I am free from the bondage that had taken over my life. It's just another meaningless accomplishment in a life that has been full of them.
3. And of course I have saved the best for last. I must say that God works in mysterious ways. I had been praying for the end of the "Winter of Soups" and God has answered my prayers. I can't say it with any more pride and any more excitement in my keystrokes than to say that I AM GOING TO BE A DAD!! I am normally not one for exclamation points or all capitalized letters but this is a situation that I deemed worthy. Now with the mere mention of soup, Jamie has the urge to throw up whatever she had just ingested and the Winter of Soups came to an abrupt end at the beginning of January (Praise the Lord!!). On or around September 27th I will finally be able to be a part of the Larson Family again when Jamie gives birth to a healthy son (only positive thoughts coming from me). Just so you are all on board whenever the baby inside Jamie's growing body is referenced it must be referenced as he or him. In a quest to field all 9 positions on the baseball field (ok maybe being a little aggressive, but at least the infield) we are hoping to have a boy as a newcomer to the Larson Family. It has been a rough pregnancy up to this point for as a lot of good food has been wasted (3 cheese chicken sausages and Culver's ice cream to name a few) as they have been purged from her body shortly after her tastebuds had a chance to enjoy them. I have attached the images from Jamie's first sonogram below at roughly 10 weeks. I don't know if there is any news that I could share that would make me more excited, not Illinois winning the National Championship in basketball and football and the Cardinals winning the World Series all in the same year wouldn't even reach the same level for me. I could even be tipping the scales at 190 lbs and it still wouldn't do it. This news reaches an 11 on the excitement scale from 1-10, yea its that big.
Now you all must be wondering, what has happened to Mr. Lemonhead over these past 4 weeks? One word could pretty much sum it up, Grow. I blame myself as it is common knowledge that everyone makes New Years Resolutions for one reason and one reason only, to break them. I of course fell into the trap that engulfs most of society and made resolutions that were meant to be broken. As referenced in my last entry it has been a period of two steps forward followed by two steps back, well if that is still the case then I have taken two shuffles forward and two gigantic leaps backwards. As of last Monday I was tipping the scales at a gigantuous 238.8 lbs, well off my goal 200 lbs for the year. Diesel soda has once again infected me with its goodness and I am finding it incredibly hard to turn down. While Diet Pepsi is a nice alternative there is really no true equal to the deliciousness of an ice cold Coca Cola Classic. Going forward rather than keeping myself from enjoying one of the finer things in life, I will limit myself to 2 fountain sodas a week. If I have a loss for the week then I will allow myself to enjoy the diesel variety and if I fail to meet expectations then I will punish myself with the consumption of the Diet variety only (I know its severe but I will manage...desperate times call for desperate measures). If this possible solution fails to be effective I may even take the dangerous step of eliminating carbonated beverages from my diet altogether but let's just cross that bridge if and when I get there (hopefully never). Jamie's way of telling people that she was pregnant was by making sugar cookies with baby items as the cutouts so I have been enjoying those for the past two weeks. The way I am eating you really can't tell who is pregnant as we are going pound for pound at this point. Usually when I start eating healthy I get the momentum going and when the lbs drop off it is no problem to carry the momentum, but 2011 has been a cruel year thus far. After getting so dangerously close to the land of the 220's my appetite pulls a 180 and becomes insatiable. If it has been in our cupboard chances are I have enjoyed at any time of the day. Cookies for breakfast..sure. Dessert pizza for a midnight snack...why not? The lowest of lows came last week when I washed four pieces of Papa Murphy's chicken pizza down with 6 pieces of dessert pizza. How often does a person eat more dessert than their the main course? The answer...too much when you are me. But don't worry folks the skies aren't always grey, as long as I exercise...
The exercise segment of this entry is where I paint a brighter picture, one filled with stories of success and triumphs over the dreaded couch. Unfortunately that isn't the case this time. I have been pulling way too many 5:45-7:00 shifts on the couch instead of hitting the pavement. As I stated in the title of this fine entry, my laziness knows no motivation. Instead of Black History Month, February turned into "I am going to do as little as possible in terms of exercise and be completely fine with it" month. I'm not sure that Hallmark would have any cards for that though. I put in a solid 19.33 miles for the month of February (even I had to double check my math after seeing that staggering low sum). I am going with a reverse strategy this marathon training as the past 2 marathons that I have run I trained hard for the first three months and due to injury/laziness took the last 2 months off. For the Illinois Marathon I am taking the first 3 months off and am going to go hard the last
After reading this entry for the past 25 minutes you are probably ready for this to end. Hopefully I have at least made you feel a little better about yourself and your weight. I am getting a little concerned about our trip to Italy because with this recent influx in weight it now looks like this when I sit in a chair and I am afraid they are going to charge me for two seats. Thankfully I can still fit into my khakis and have not resulted to my dress clothes being khaki pants with elastic for the waistband.
As for the regularity of my diary entries. I am going to try to pen an entry once a week but I can't promise that with this new promotion (I know, I know, suck it up Sally) but my goal is to devote some time to these bad boys at home. You still provide a source of motivation for me in my attempt to distance myself from valor suits and matching sweatsuits as my normal attire.
As always thank you for reading and please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions as I continue my odyssey towards some weight normalcy.
Mr. Lemonhead
P.S. As promised, below are my horrific pictures of the progress through the month of February. Close your eyes and only take a quick glance and just remember that it will soon be over.